Drumming should not cause you pain. If it does, something is amiss. Generally stated, beginner drummers (1 day to 3 years) especially, tend to play too hard, too stiff and often have bad posture. For beginners, I do not recommend playing hard and I DO believe in good posture. This is the beginning for good technique. Sit at the front edge of your chair for starters.
The concept at work here is that beginners hear the teacher (or other source), playing beautiful musical sound and try to duplicate that sound. But, there's one thing missing, technique. Correct hand and arm technique and even proper breathing can take years to get 'right'.
So a smarter move for beginners who may be prone to overdoing it due to excitement inherent in drumming, is please be careful. You WILL hurt yourself if you play too hard when you don't know how to play. It is our job, the teachers, to help show you the way to good sounds, speed and musicianship. It is your job to realize that this takes time. My master teacher Famoudou Konaté says it takes a lifetime to learn the djembe. So do many others. So do I. Actually, I say maybe two lifetimes.
Take your time and relax and remember to play from a place of love, peace and total relaxation. It is not easy to learn all of that. Take your time. If you feel pain, you are probably doing something wrong. Stop!
Ask us for advice right away and we can help you decide if you need to stop, modify a position or tensioning, use a device to aid in playing for a while, many possibilities. We know. And just to mention, if you do need to go to a doctor of PT, OT or physiatrist, and you tell them you are drumming, they don't know what that is. You MUST, no matter how weird this seems, use the top-side of their desk and show them the motion and about how hard you are doing that motion and tell them for how long you do that. Then they can start to understand what 'drumming' is for you. And if you play the dunun, with a stick and a bell stick, show them that too. If you are timid to demonstrate this, at least show a YouTube video of someone hand drumming correctly or not correctly on a djembe or dunun.
Below is just the beginning of how to deal with some common drumming hurts. This is a work in progress and I welcome your feedback. Email me.
•By Luga Podesta, M.D.
•Originally published in the April 2007 issue of DRUM! Magazine
Arm pain is a common complaint among drummers. Pain in the upper arm can originate from a number of locations in the upper extremity, including the neck, shoulder, and elbow. However, one of the more common sources of arm pain in drummers is from the biceps tendon (i.e., biceps tendonitis).
A tendon is a band of connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone. The biceps muscle is located in the front of the upper arm and attaches to two locations in the shoulder and at the elbow. The biceps muscle functions to rotate and bend the elbow and assists in elevating the shoulder.
Biceps tendonitis is a quasi inflammatory process in the tendon that causes pain in the front part of the shoulder and upper arm. Actually tears, or micro-tears of the tendon is more correct than inflammation. Biceps tendonitis occurs from overuse of the arm and shoulder or from a direct injury to the biceps tendon. Repetitively riding cymbals that are set high and reaching for drums or cymbals behind and to the sides can predispose drummers to bicep tendon injuries.
Pain develops in the upper arm with movement of the shoulder, particularly when the arm is moved forward and over shoulder height. Pain is also present when you apply direct pressure over the front of the shoulder. These types of injuries are diagnosed by clinical examination by a physician and more advanced imaging studies such as an MRI of the shoulder.
Biceps tendonitis can be a very annoying injury and an extremely difficult problem to treat. The initial treatment will include the use of ice packs over the front of the shoulder for 15 minutes every two to three hours. The use of oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications initially for two to three weeks can also be useful. Occasionally a corticosteroid injection around the tendon can reduce severe inflammation and pain.
Physical therapy has also been beneficial in reducing symptoms and improving function.
Resting the shoulder by limiting the activities that caused the problem is also helpful. If not cared for properly, surgery may become necessary to relieve pain and repair the damaged tendon.
Performing proper warm-up exercises and stretches prior to activity and properly cooling down afterward can prevent biceps tendonitis from occurring.
Tennis elbow is a form of tendonitis that causes pain over the bony prominence called the lateral epicondyle on the outside of the elbow. It is often referred to as lateral epicondylitis. They are responsible for extending or bending back the wrist and fingers. The tendons are fibrous bands that connect the muscles to the bone, in this case the lateral epicondyle.
If too much stress is placed on these muscles and tendons, micro tears can occur at the site where the tendons attach to the lateral epicondyle(see drawing). These micro tears cause pain that is usually localized at the lateral epicondyle but the pain can occasionally radiate down the forearm. Aging appears to make these tendons more prone to breakdown. Therefore, lateral epicondylitis is more common once we get in our fourth decade of life and beyond.
For more excellent info on Elbow Pain, please click here.
And for even more excellent info on Elbow Pain, please click here.
Personal Notes on Pain of the Shoulder Capsule and Arm
I will repeat myself here: Drumming should not hurt you. If you push yourself you run the risk of pain. Do not ignore the pain.
I would like to share some thoughts and things that have helped me and other more notable drummers who often, due to privacy, don't talk about this stuff. Yes, even the famous dudes and ladies out there.
The more you learn about drumming and the better you get, that's when you are the most prone to getting some inflammation of an arm or joint area - be it the fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder or neck. If your drum is not tall enough you may experience low back pain. There are drum risers available or you can get a taller drum. We like the drum supported by the ground and not held between the legs, unless you are standing with your drum in a good padded drum strap or your drum is in a djembe stand.
(yes I have been a crash-test dummy for all of the below)
• Ice - I use a product called ActiveWrap Shoulder Heat/Ice Wrap. It is the best one out there; black, easy to get on and off when in pain and made extremely well. Chose the correct size for your body. At about $68.- I keep one at work and one at home. Extra ice pacs are a good idea. Do NOT apply ice directly to the skin unless you are moving it constantly, like in a dixie cup of solid ice would be okay. Wipe off any wetness on the ice pacs's sleeve (it needs to be in a sleeve) before putting it on your skin or you may ice burn yourself.
Also, I have found that playing with the ice ON while drumming worked for me quite often. I understand that some people might not approve, but I found that this technique DID help me when I HAD to play in pain.
• Rest - This doesn't mean to stop all use of an arm necessarily. Complete rest is usually not a good idea as it can cause frozen shoulder. Rest, to me, means, to play smarter, keeping elbows down and using the weight of your arm as opposed to striking the drum. It takes a lot of practice but you can do this! It also means to try to use your other arm to do some of the work. I can work with you to help you avoid this problem or help you get better.
Caution - As I stated above, use your other arm BUT be careful of overcompensating where the other arm may get inflamed or fatigued and prone to injury.
• Heat - I have found that sometimes heat is a good compliment to the ice. While heat doesn't stop inflammation, it can help you feel better. It can also guide any medicine you may take to that area where it is most needed as it increases blood flow.
• Medication - There is a lot of information about anti-inflammatories out there, as you may know. I like taking 800mg of Ibuprofen (Advil) 2x a day and then switch to Naproxen (Aleve) 500mg 2x a day for a few days. Treatment is for as long as you are experiencing pain. Common medical advice from top doctors of the shoulder say to take Naporsyn 500mg 2x a day for 30 days. Include the above steps and reevaluate in 30 days. If pain has not improved, seek more medical advice. But keep in mind, you want the tendons to heal and, in fact, tendonitis is not really an inflammatory disease. However, it may make you feel better.
• No Medication - My understanding is the healing of tendons especially, is a natural occurrence as long as the tendon is in touch with the bone and enough blood enters the area and considerable healing time is allowed. (There's not much blood in a tendon) I have heard that medications that stop inflammation may also cause the area to take longer to heal. Some people choose to not use much if any anti-inflammatories for this reason. You may heal faster if you stay away from anti-imflamatories.
• Iontophoresis - a therapeutic modality often used by physical therapists. It is a type of electrical stimulation that is used to administer medication into your body through your skin. I have found this very helpful especially for the elbow where the nerves are very close to the skin.
• Nitroglycerin Patch - The questions surrounding whether nitroglycerin is truly beneficial and how to properly deliver it are still unanswered. It is currently in use in the US and endorsed as a good adjunctive treatment for tendonitis in addition to a standard physical therapy rehab program. (They always throw that in.) You only use 1/4 patch directly on the skin over the exact point of pain. 12 hours on 12 hours off. You must be evaluated and prescribed this patch and guided for this use. Personally I get a mild headache with it many times which goes away when I remove the patch. So sometimes I do 8 hours on and 16 hours off and get great relief. Tendons don't heal fast as they don't get enough blood. This takes blood from other parts of your body and brings it right to the tendon. Recommended!
• Massage - Very helpful to focus on the shoulder capsule and the supporting muscles (actually part of the rotator cuff). For tendon health, massage is essential. Some you can do yourself by possibly using balls or hard foam tubes to massage alone. Not as good as going to a massage therapist but cheaper. There is a tool called The Stick Travel Stick, 17-Inch for about $25 at Amazon. It can be used to break up tissues in your inner forearm where drummers muscles get really tight. If we don't get those relaxed, the tightness can 'travel' up the arm to the shoulder.
• Chiropractic - My shoulder has been under the care of a chiropractor who helps me stay in the game. I like full manipulation. She stretches the shoulder capsule and it gives me great relief and helps me heal.
• Ultrasound - This therapy can be very helpful to assist the healing process. I am a fan! Recommended!
• EMS - Electro Muscle Stim - A simple unit can be purchased for under $50.- these days. Be careful to use a gentle setting for the shoulder or arm. Stim is NOT to be used on the upper neck area, careful. You may wish to use EMS on the surrounding tissue to the injured tissue OR directly on it or both. Don't overdue it!
• Acupuncture - For years I have heard this was a 'cure' for tendonitis. Many friends have said it is THE way to heal your tendonosis as do many in the medical profession. Recently, I decided to give it a try and it has been really helpful. The long term results await but I have received a lot of relief with acupuncture. If you have little money, try Acupuncture Together on Mass Ave in Cambridge, MA for treatment. Recommended!
• Steroidal Injections - These can be very helpful in making you feel better and can actually stop one from developing frozen shoulder as you will use your arm more since it will not hurt. In Boston, there is a doctor at NEB Hospital who basically only shoots shoulders and he promised me and delivered on getting rid of my frozen shoulder in 3 days! It was an injection with a viewing screen called an arthrogram. Highly recommended depending on the condition and doctors expertise.
• Topical Anti-Inflammatory - Voltaren Gel - (prescription) Basically Naproxin in a gel form that is applied to the specific area. It works very well for me. DO not combine the topical gel and ingesting systemic Naproxin.
• Physical Therapy - Sometimes PT is necessary. I found the ice and heat and EMS part to be especially helpful. I really can't say that I found the exercises, strengthening and stretching to help me. Of course while at PT you meet a lot of people just out of shoulder surgery and we all talk. You can learn a lot! Very few (out of maybe 35 people I spoke with at PT) felt they were getting anywhere with PT, yet, it is the first thing that many doctors recommend.
I DO think that a few sessions can help you feel better and give you ideas on how you can best help yourself. And the massage techniques they may do should certainly help. If in the Boston area, I highly recommend ProSports Physical Therapy, Cambridge or Waltham, MA where the Boston Celtics train.
Always take care of yourself when you play. Use musicians earplugs, sit up very straight, shoulders back, head back. Sit at the very front edge of your chair so your back will be straight with the side benefit that you will have improved sounds coming out of your drum! Nice!
If you feel fatigued, stop immediately! One common drumming situation I want to mention is.... When the rhythm gets faster, many, many people play harder and louder. DON’T DO THAT. Please, do the opposite. Because, for one thing, playing louder and faster will slow you down as you will get fatigued almost immediately. And you can get hurt that way. It is a natural thing to do but - YOU need to take care of you! If the teacher or facilitator is not telling you to back off, you may hurt yourself. Again, this usually happens early on in drumming when you don't necessarily have the ability to be aware of what you are doing all of the time.
For now, faster should mean even more relaxed, a tad quieter and a softer approach. Use earplugs. DrumConnection is endorsed by and carries products by the Hearing Institute and by Etymotic Research. $20/pr in a case. In our shop we have been trained to fit you to personal earplugs for musicians for $39.95 a pair. We also always have foam earplugs on hand. When you play with them for a while you can actually get them to give you a decent experience but only for emergencies.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please email me.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons http://www.aaos.org
ph: 617-686-6080
Actual Customer Reviews - 1990 to 2024
Average Rating: 5 Stars
Karen G.
I just bought my djembe from Alan yesterday so I'm really excited to play it again after the rain stops. (I like to play outside). I researched many places all across the US and tried Amazon and djembe makers in Pakistan. I found out that the sound of the djembe is 'boingy' if it wasn't carved in Africa. (My first 2 were from Pakistan though Amazon and another company didn't want to tell me that!) Anyway, huge difference to get a dry, solid African sounding djembe. Thank you!
Sara F.
I had my djembe re-headed with a goat skin by DrumConnection and it never sounded anything like this! I can't stop playing it. I didn't know so much of the value of a djembe was in how it was made with all the ropes and tensioning and a super high quality skin, tuned perfectly. I really can't stop playing my 'new' djembe :) Just to add that I wasn't a very good player before but now I play so much and so easily, I am so happy with this! Thanks Alan!
Doris G.
I was so impressed with the prompt delivery of a beautiful djembe to on of my teachers of spiritual mindfulness; he LOVED it! They selected the best djembe they had and shipped it to me in 2 days. It was a huge hit with my teacher. They also supplied us with all the care of the djembe tip sheet and how to tune the djembe video, which is very helpful. Good communication and perfect follow-thru.
Marcia F.
I recently purchased a djembe drum from DrumConnection and am now taking lessons with him. He was so incredibly helpful and knowledgeable about the drums and taught me things I never knew I never knew about buying a drum. His classes are fun and engaging and he goes above and beyond the call of duty in helping us to learn and know about the history and origins of this sort of drumming, It has been in great addition to life particularly during Covid.
Mark W.
Excellent and knowledgeable instructors, classes that balance learning rhythms and technique accurately and having fun playing together, great people and community! Alan Tauber is an experienced teacher and drummer who has learned from the best players and djembe masters on the planet, and is happy to share his knowledge with students. I recommend Alan and DrumConnection highly!
Adam J. M.
When my son, who is now at Berklee, was in grammar school he studied djembe with Alan and I was so impressed with Alan’s kind and fun manner of presenting complex rhythms. I later studied conga with Alan and one of his top notch teachers. The material was challenging but so satisfying. We also own a beautiful djembe we got from Alan. I highly recommend him as a teacher.
Terri M.
Learning the Drum at The Drum Connection is the best and most genuine experience around. I highly recommend The Drum Connection to anyone who is interested in learning how to play the African drum and all it has to offer.
Dalena T.
I bought an insanely beautiful, well-crafted, high quality djembe off Alan a couple months ago. It took me about two hours to finalize my decision but he never once rushed me. Felt like I was just chilling with an old pal. Made me laugh a lot! He’s got an off-beat but refreshing sense of humor. To top it off he also gave me a WONDERFUL deal on the drum! I also began taking classes with him, he’s fun, engaging, and so lighthearted! Throughout the class he makes sure everyone is on the same page.. And he KNOWS HIS STUFF. Thank you Alan for all you do and provide. Can’t recommend him highly enough.
Joshua M.
I have taken lots of classes with Drum Connection teachers and Alan Tauber. His classes are always fun and I have learned a lot about playing Djembe and the traditions and melodies surrounding the instrument. In addition to his own classes, I have taken classes and workshops with other teachers he brings in occasionally - they are always great. And just as important, his students are always supportive of one another - the general feeling is that everyone was a beginner once and everyone helps each other if they can.
Paula P.
I was welcomed with open arms, and having only touched a drum once before, had no idea what to do. I walked in off the street and immediately John Tracy sat with me and taught me a simple rhythm. I ended up taking a series of lessons with Alan Tauber, and joining a number of drum circles. I loved being welcomed into the community .. to this day, I drum with people from the DrumConnection. The gentle and experienced people there are enthusiastically committed to teaching all levels of drumming.
Jenna M.
Alan’s enthusiasm for drum playing is infectious! He shares his warm heart, patience, and talents with all students.
Lisa K.
Coming in as a novice, it could have been intimidating. It was the opposite! Warm and welcoming! Alan has such patience and skill in helping me get to the next stage in drumming! Such a blast doing outdoor classes! And always enjoyed the camaraderie with my fellow students.
I went for my first drumming class yesterday. Alan and Nancy met me with a big smile and created such a loving and caring atmosphere making me feel really comfortable and accepted. I have no musical experience and was really worried of how the class would flow. They were just amazing. I don't have enough words to express how magical the class was. I can't wait to go back and I have been telling all my friends about drumming. It's the best therapy for your mind and soul!!!
Magda D.
Ashland, MA
Sarah Tenney of Marimba Magic (R) at The Rivers School Conservatory recommends us! Thank you.
"The Drum Connection has brought the joy of drumming to many hundreds of people through excellent classes. Alan is very knowledgeable about African drumming and he has reached deeply into the whole Boston area spreading his passion through many communities. I recommend his classes and drum circles."
Nancy Browne recommends DrumConnection
This is a great class taught by remarkable drummer and gifted teacher, Alan Tauber! It’s something I just want to share with everyone, so much fun and such a wonderful way to connect with other people in a deep, uplifting musical way. You will feel supported and uplifted at the same time as you learn to play the hand drums with others who learn and play along with you! A very, very special experience awaits all who take this class. You will not be disappointed. If I could, I would give this class as a gift to everyone I know!
Celtic Revival
Medford MA
"Drum Connection has been an amazing source of drum culture as well as lessons and community for many years. From hand percussion to events and travel, Drum Connection has reached (thousands?) over the years."
Dr. Barry Taylor, N.D.
Weston MA • 10.8 mi away • Medical Center
"If you want to learn drumming, Alan is the man to call."
The Spiral Path
Topsfield MA • Alternative & Holistic Health Service
"Great teacher. Has depth of knowledge about drumming and is passionate about sharing it with others."
Dr Margaret Rogers Van Coops
Lake Havasu City AZ • Medical & Health
"The rhythm of music is key to cleansing the body of negativity. Everyone should attend this kind of class to dump negative history. I recommend contacting Alan who is caring and nurturing."
Wellesley MA • 11.5 mi away
"kind, patient and totally passionate about his work and his students growth"
Waste to Energy Machines
Boston MA
"Progressive Drum Shop"
McCabe Abstracts
Brighton MA • Fine Art
"Alan is a great teacher and Networker!"
Live Fully with ADHD
Jamaica Plain MA • Coach
"Alan is a great teacher and has trained a terrific staff. And he's a really nice guy. Sells some good drums, too."
EV Custom Massage
Arlington MA
"I highly recommend DrumConnection. Alan is very knowledgeable in many areas of drumming, and can assist anyone from the first time novice to the skilled professional. DrumConnection has a wide array of drums that you can try for a perfect fit."
Kennard Music, LLC
Dayton OH • Entertainers, Actors, & Directors
"Drums and wisdom. 👍🏻😎"
Hub Health & Wellness Center
Jamaica Plain MA • 8.1 mi away • Alternative & Holistic Health Service
"The best djembe place in Boston"
Something Savory - Catering and Events
Arlington MA • 1.5 mi away • Caterer
"Great classes, wonderful people!"
Malibu CA • Meditation Center
"Drums have always been a path for me to express my soul and the beat of my life. DrumConnection has a fabulous variety of all kinds of drums that can add to your enjoyment or musical expertise. Just a wonderful place to purchase a drum from."
Royale Business Club International Inc
Surrey BC
"They are in the same business as we are but a long way away. Doing a great job at their craft."
Medford MA • Performance & Event Venue
"Excellent place!"
Kneeland & Kydd
Arlington MA • 1.0 mi away
"It is a really cool store in a fun shopping area if you are looking for drums a great place to start"
Drum Teacher / Freelance Musician
Belmont MA • 3.2 mi away
"Alan & DrumConnection are a cornerstone to the hand-drumming and "world-beat rhythms" community. Alan has been sharing his authentic knowledge here for decades. I wholeheartedly recommend Alan & DrumConnection!"
Lifeworks Career & Life Design / Grafton Street Writing Center
Arlington MA • 1.2 mi away
"Knowledgeable devoted and fun"
Drumming Preparatory School
Arlington MA • 1.0 mi away • Performing Arts
"Alan is one fine human being! He already has most of the answers and knows where to find the rest."
Universal Drums: Music Therapy, Lessons & African Arts!
Wakefield MA
"DrumConnection in Arlington offers fabulous services in African Arts! :)"
5.0 star rating Yelp!
This place should be called, "percussion heaven". You can find every sort of percussion instrument and accessory here, all in one place. The staff is very friendly, knowledgable and helpful. They have professional djembes and dunun . They also sponsor local drum circles and have drum classes with the very talented owner as well as master drummers from around the globe. They also offer a wide variety of CD's. One of the best shops ever!
Michael P.
San Rafael, CA
5.0 star rating
L R.
Medford, MA
I was thrilled to find that this store doesn't just have hand drums, but is also well-stocked with hardware and parts for rock drum kits. And if they don't stock something you need, they'll order it for you or point you in the right direction.
Alan, the owner, is extremely knowledgeable and helpful if I have questions or need advice. When I came in last year wanting to restore my vintage kit, I had no idea where to start, and Alan helped me through the entire process, from cleaning, de-rusting, to finding missing parts. Whenever I have a problem with my kit or something breaks, I always go to Alan first (it's a good idea to call the store to see when he's working!) Often he'll find a way to fix it without having to purchase new parts.
Definitely recommend this gem over bigger places like Guitar Center.
L R.
Medford, MA
5.0 star rating
"Hi Alan, Eddie & I LOVED Nancy's classes. We stopped going because it was dark & cold & late & it was the only time we could both make it ( I work nites ) but we plan to resume classes probably in the spring. I miss it. Rochelle"
5.0 star rating
Purchased beautiful instruments...
I recommend the workshops to all my college student studying world music in the classroom. We've also purchased beautiful instruments I use in my teaching. People marvel at their sound and touch.
Janet W.
Belmont, MA
5.0 star rating
So much fun...
Participating in a beginners drumming series was so much fun, and I was surprised at what they were able to teach us! We plan to go back as soon as our schedule allow a steady attendance.
Gail C.
Watertown, MA
5.0 star rating
Great Community...
Just bought my 3rd instrument from this store. Always a pleasure to do business with DrumConnection, and home to a great community of drummers.
Brad B.
Somerville, MA
5.0 star rating
Honest, original voice...
Way back in 2011, I wrote and published a feature story about Alan Tauber and DrumConnection. Read it at YourArlington
Nothing that has occurred since would cause me to change my mind about Alan and his business: He's an honest, original voice in a fast-changing town, offering a rhythm that is hard to beat.
Bob S.
Arlington, MA
5.0 star rating
Always a great experience...
Alan is always a pleasure to do business with. He is knowledgable and very kind. The classes they have are fun and very informative. Always a great experience.
Keirstin P.
Redington Beach, FL
Alan's knowledge is vast...
I needed to replace the head on a djembe. I live on the south shore of MA, and was having a hard time finding a place to do the job. I discovered the DrumConnection through a list serve and found the best resource I could hope for. Alan's knowledge is vast, and the service was done professionally, on time, and at a reasonable price. I do not need to look any further for my hand drumming needs.
Dave Y.
It is a privilege to know you...
You play such an important part in drumming education in this country. It is a privilege to know you...
Name withheld upon request.
(but a famous dude in percussion).
Great Local Place, Great Stuff, Nice People
Bought a present for a friend and they had just what I wanted. They helped me pick the right one. Weren't pushy. Really nice vibe. Will definitely go back when I need a drum or a present for someone.
Alec M.
5.0 stars! Yelp!
DrumConnection is great! Excellent teachers, extremely high quality guest drummers from Africa, and female teachers and leaders.
Betty H.
Boston, MA
5.0 stars!
Thank you Alan, Thierno, Audrey, Issa and Moussa!
At DrumConnection, I began my beginners' class feeling lost and insecure. However, while the drum is quite challenging, I have felt more and more connected to the group thanks to the wonderful teachers, and the kindness and acceptance of other drummers.
In other words I am deeply indebted and grateful for the opportunity to expand my skills, horizons, and sense of belonging thanks to the drum. The ongoing learning experience is challenging, exhilarating and humbling. Thank you Alan, Thierno, Audrey, Issa and Moussa, and thank you to all my fellow students!
Annemarie D-D
5.0 stars!
Thanks so much. Tuned up my kids drum, very knowledgeable and friendly!
Aaron C
5.0 stars!
Love DrumConnection in Arlington!
Great teachers including the Masters from West Africa; great drums (all kinds) and accessories. Director and owner, Alan, is an excellent drummer himself, friends to all and always willing to share his knowledge. Classes & Workshops at all levels challenging and tons of fun. Serious drumming going on here!
M. S.
Brighton, MA
5.0 stars!
Knowledgeable, and very helpful.
I watched Alan help a gentleman trying to rent an accordion. Yes, this sounds like a Seinfeld script, but it was touching seeing Alan help someone out. Additionally, the store is well supplied, and the prices are quote reasonable for being able to get your hands on what you need right now. Truly, an asset to the community!
Brian C. J.
Arlington, MA
1:47 p.m.
Great drum....
Friends cannot believe how light it is and how good it sounds. Easy for me to carry. It is also very nice looking, not ornate, just beautiful wooden swirls. Thanks for all your help on this..... kdl
5 Stars
I have spent several wonderful weekends at DrumConnection studying drumming rhythms with various master drummers (djembefolas) and I just want to thank Alan and the wonderful community of people I met at there for a wonderful, fun, inspiring and informative time. If I didn't live on Long Island, NY I would be there every week. 5 star rating from me!
Long Island, NY
5 Stars!
DrumConnection is a wonderful place. Alan is so helpful, thoughtful and kind. The store has a great selection of drums that will help you connect to music from all over the world. Highly recommended!
R. C.
Boston, MA
5 Stars!
No Pressure
Great experience, no pressure to buy or spend more than I wanted to, just the perfect assistance to help me find the right drum for me - a clear joy for drumming and very welcoming - made me feel right at home.
J. Morley
5 Stars!
A great little store
I was looking for some nifty percussion accessories for my son-in-law and I really didn't want to go the the Guitar Center. What a great place! I got great advice & was able to find exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for! A perfect shopping trip & well worth the weekly trip down from Cape Ann!
L. Carsman
Cape Ann, MA
5.0 star rating on Yelp!
I took a beginner drum class here this fall. I was impressed by the business's connection to West African drumming. Thierno, a drummer from Guinea, was our teacher. If you want to learn drumming, have a weekly class with lots of laughing and meet people from around the world this place is for you.
S K.
Cambridge, MA
5.0 Star Rating
Alan the owner is always friendly and helpful. When I was looking for a drum, he chose 4 drums he thought I might like, each unique. He helped me sort out the differences to find the combination of pluses that added up to the perfect drum for me.
Alan the teacher is a non-judgmental, supportive, and clear instructor whose decades of experience and amazing skill as a drummer combine to provide a safe and inspiring learning environment. I've studied with four other DrumConnection instructors and each is excellent in his or her own ways, and all certified by examination.
A great store and a wonderful school. I recommend it without reservations.
5.0 Yelp!
The beginner drum class was extra special. Taught by Thierno Keita-what a wonderful escape each week from the work-a-day world into a world of rhythm and movement. Great for the brain and the soul. Alan Tauber, who runs the Drum Connection could not be kinder or more devoted to his art. This has been a postive turn for me and I will continue on this road with pleasure.
5.0 star rating
DrumConnection is an nook of musical magic on Mass Ave in Arlington. The drumming teachers are from Africa, they sponsor workshops and trips to Africa to learn drumming. Alan the owner is very flexible and understanding with scheduling lessons. The drum selection is fantastic!! I recommend it to everyone I know. What a gem!
M. Thompson
5.0 star rating Yelp!
Broad selection of percussion instruments from all over the world. Alan, the owner, really knows a lot about the instruments and the music they make.
Lane D.
Kingston, MA
5.0 star rating Yelp!
We have purchased many instruments from Alan. He knows so much about percussion instruments that we trust him with ordering sight unseen and have been pleased with our purchases. Prices are very reasonable. We drive 2 hours each way to shop at the Drum Connection and it is worth it.
Sandra T.
Mashpee, MA
5.0 star rating Yelp!
You will not find a more beautiful person than Alan to assit you with your journey of learning the drums. I have traveled with Alan to Guinea, purchased various drums, and attended numerous classes. Have not been able to find the joy I felt when I was involved with the Drum Connection. Please open a southern location!
Cheryl S.
Estero, FL
5.0 star rating Yelp!
The drum I purchased from Alan several years ago is both beautiful and is a joy to use. The classes are fantastic -- designed for all skills levels and taught by master teachers that are knowledgeable and exciting.
They are patient and know how to break rhythms down to bite size. I have enrolled my 4 year old in the children's drum class and it is dynamic -- teaching movement and African songs. She loves it and loves her teachers."
Louis K.
Arlington, MA
5.0 star rating Yelp!
The Best! Thanks!
Purchased my djembe here a few years ago, just bought new skin, Alan and staff always knowledgeable and helpful.
Paul W.
Swampscott, MA
5.0 star rating Yelp!
I am new to drumming and am having a ball. I went to a Sunday night lecture and lesson on one type of drums and followed that with 2 Sunday night drumming circles with an excellent teacher-but not at the rank beginner level. Still, I loved it and just tried to follow and keep up.
Now I am in a beginner class and I am still enjoying every minute. Alan is a kind and welcoming person. He coordinates to bring in a variety of excellent teachers and classes take place most every day of the week. He gives great advice about what to purchase and has rentals available. Come join the fun!
Lexington, MA
5.0 star rating Yelp!
This is a great little shop. Alan was able to rent me some drums for my autism caregivers retreat and was very accommodating. The drums were gorgeous, beautiful sound. Our group had a great time thanks to Drum Connection coming through at the last minute for me. Thank you!
Tami D.
Corona, CA
5.0 star rating Excellent Teaching!
This is the first time I took drum lessons. I have taken piano lessons off and on for years. I really enjoy playing the drums. I had two teachers. They both had their individual style of teaching. I found that Alan is an excellent teacher. I would recommend anyone with a desire to learn drumming to check out DrumConnection. I haven't gone to their drum circle yet, but that's the next step for me. I am finishing up my first six weeks of classes, two more classes to go.
5.0 star rating 8/4/2015 Yelp!
I'm new to the djembe and drum circles in general. The drum circle I attended last week was a blast. Very relaxed and friendly, the drumming was amazing. Alan and Fanta were both very warm and welcoming. As others have noted, great energy. I'm definitely going back.
5.0 star rating Incredible Drums!
I returned to the store today to purchase my first djembe. Alan was more than helpful. He gave a mini-lesson on the spot so I would know how to evaluate the variety of drums, their tonal differences, etc. He also played several of them for me to have a better impression of what it sounds like once technique is mastered. The drum I finally settled on is incredible, love it. My wife was looking for a bodhran, and he gave demonstrations of those as well!
Way better than 5 stars!
Alan clearly loves what he is doing and it shows in the friendly, professional and deeply knowledgeable service. Way better than 5 stars.
5 Stars!
Alan was so helpful. He came highly recommended, and lived up to it. I got a wonderful drum for my nephew - have not yet given it to him, but he is going to love it.
Enid S.
Five stars all the way!
Honestly, I can't say enough good things about DrumConnection. Alan and John helped me pick out the perfect drum, and when I came in tonight, Alan talked with me for at least an hour about technique, the history of the djembe coming to America, and more. The place is warm and inviting, and the people who work there are the same. I am confident I chose the best place to start my drumming journey, and I will be back for their classes! Five stars all the way!
Amanda S.
Amazing Store.
My son is now starting drum lessons. We stopped in to purchase a drum pad and drum sticks. This is an amazing store. There is much to learn about choosing an instrument that suits you...and we were encouraged not to rush in and spend a lot of money at this stage. The store is packed with drums (mostly hand drums) and each visitor is encouraged to try out items that spark their interest. While visiting, my son tried several thumb pianos as well.
March 6, 2015
Fanta lead our group of 21 drummers thru two hours of song, dance, and drumming. Everybody was smiling at the end of the evening. What a deal for 10 bucks!
Charles D.
February 24, 2015
Fantastic Place
Drum Connection is a fantastic place to take African drumming lessons, meet some wonderful people and really expand your horizons by attending workshops with master drummers from West Africa. It's been a life changing experience for me. I am so blessed to part of Alan and Fanta's community.
Tom B.
Personal Results
As always Alan was right there to make sure I got exactly what I was looking for. He even sent me a photo/text to confirm that he had the correct size, shape and sound of rattle I needed. This was that perfect combination of personal service and immediate results.
Tony V.
Hey just wanted to write you a note to tell you how much I absolutely love the drum! It was the perfect choice for me. The slaps are just incredible and yet it gives good bass response. I brought it to work to play with the children and it was just such the perfect instrument. It’s just the right one for me and I'm really thrilled with it. Thanks so much.
Steve S.
Thanks Alan for your undivided attention today as I purchased the replacement head for the djembe I had previously bought at DrumConnection. Could not be more satisfied!
Paul W.
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